Special Offers

Take advantage of exclusive offers to our valued customers of Royal Anchor, our beloved Old Orchard Beach, Maine resort.

We’re thrilled to offer an exceptional opportunity to our valued customers at Royal Anchor, one of the premier Old Orchard Beach, Maine resorts! We wholeheartedly believe that everyone deserves a chance to indulge and treat themselves, and we are delighted to be able to provide just that.

Royal Anchor Beach Resort exterior

Stay Four & Save

Book a 4-night stay between May 2nd through June 9th, 2025 (excluding May 23-26) and you will only have to pay for 3 nights! Please note that this offer is subject to availability and it cannot be combined with any other discounts, packages, or offers. Don’t miss the chance to escape the daily grind. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Promo Code 4for3